Wednesday, May 9, 2012

Google found guilty of infringement in Oracle suit, but questions remain

It looks like a minor snag in deliberations this morning wasn’t enough to keep a jury from reaching a decision in the first leg of Oracle’s trial against Google, and things aren’t so rosy for the tech giant behind Android. A ruling of guilty was passed down in regards to allegations of infringement on Oracle’s Java API. Still, there was no decision on whether the infringement fell under the rules of fair use or not.

While the verdict seems damning for Google, things aren’t all that bad. Based on the jury’s inability to conclude unanimously on all questions asked of them, Google is moving for a mistrial. The outcome looks to be several more months of courtroom hijinks before the true implications of any decision will be known, and in all likelihood things will move towards a tidy (and potentially pricy) out of court settlement between the two parties.

[via Gizmodo]


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