Tuesday, May 8, 2012

Zipwhip Lets You Send Text Messages From Your Comp or Tablet (Order Espresso Too) [Video]

They’re calling it “Textspresso,” and it’s brought to you from the clever minds at Zipwhip who have come up with the world’s first, text-enabled espresso machine. Using an Android based phone, anyone can order up a cup of coffee by doing little more than shooting off a simple text message. Once your SMS is sent, the robotic barista whips up a custom cup of coffee and and lets you know when it’s ready by messaging back.

Don’t expect to find one of these Textpresso machines at your local coffee shop tomorrow (the barista from the Samsung ad is safe). This proof-of-concept was little more than Zipwhip showing off their cloud-based SMS technology in a very unique, and pretty damn cool way (I have a thing for robots). Zipwhip did mention that they would be open sourcing their Textpresso machine in the near future so that anyone can build one of their very own, and place in their home or office (margarita machine, please). You can see the Texpresso in action via the video below.

So, what exactly does Zipwhip do when they’re not building fancy expresso robots like this? If their name sounds familiar, Zipwhip is the company behind group messaging and cloud texting apps currently found in the Google Play Store from their partnerships with T-Mobile and Sprint (and may have come pre-installed on your Android device). With their latest application for all Android devices, they provide a way for users to send and receive text messages from their Android phone, directly on their desktop computer or tablet.

I’ve come across a few solutions like this in the Play Store in the past, but none that have Zipwhip’s level of polish. If you ever wanted to send or receive text messages while taking advantage of your computer’s full keyboard, you have to give Zipwhip a try. The app can be found for free right now in the Google Play Store.

[Zipwhip Blog | Play Store Link]


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