When it comes to cat videos, memes, rants and freaky world news, Reddit is king. Pinterest, on the other hand, trades primarily in asparagus recipes, interior decoration ideas and fashion tips. The real question is, which of these crowd-sourcing sites would win in an epic medieval battle: the stylish ladies of Pinterest or the über-informed athiests of Reddit?!? FIGHT!!!
Here are some funny comments from Reddit commenters:
im a fat guy who is currently eating a green popsicle... this was a little too accurate for me.
I am wearing medieval armor and riding a Nyan cat while wielding a spear. You have no idea what it's like being me.
lets be honest, if 4chan/reddit/misc decided to destroy pinterest and make it all dude stuff, it would take like 3 hours.
Hahahahahahahaha!!!!!! MEMES
Oh, Reddit. You can hide in my birthday cake and surprise kill me anyday.
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