Monday, April 23, 2012

[Updated: v2] Redditor Creates Mock-Up Of Facebook For ICS, We Can Only Drool

Facebook’s current Android app has become the subject of much hatred from the Android community – for one thing, it rarely works properly (if at all); for another, its looks have become quite stale. Sadly, we still haven’t seen any plans for future improvements, so Redditor monkfishbandana took it upon himself to come up with a mock-up of how he believes Facebook for Android should look, especially with a beautiful OS like Ice Cream Sandwich.

Update: The mocks were updated to v2 - you can view them here (via Reddit). The original mocks are preserved below.

Facebook developers, take note:

FB mock-up 1 FB mock-up 2 FB mock-up 3 

FB mock-up 4 FB mock-up 5 FB mock-up 6 

FB mock-up 7 FB mock-up 8 FB mock-up 9

Though there are countless improvements over the real Facebook app, a few key features have been excluded for various reasons:

The ‘Timeline’ lacks location and ‘studying at’ icons‘Request’ notifications have been dropped from the action bar and added to the Friends sectionThe ‘Create Event’ and ‘Create Message’ buttons are missingStill, it’s a pretty impressive first try, especially considering that monkfishbandana claims he’s only spent a few days on it. Enjoy the beauty, because sadly you likely won’t be seeing any of it on your phone any time soon!

Source: Reddit


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